Maligne Lake to Camp Parker Trailhead/ ..

Jul 30 -> Aug 2 2010 Bob Beck - A solo hike from Maligne Lake to the Camp Parker trailhead. I arrived at the Maligne Lake parking lot and hit the trail at 10:15 pm on Thursday the 29th, camping at Trapper Creek for the evening at mignight. The day went from Trapper Creek to Maligne Pass - a long 28 km day, arriving at about 6:30 PM. There I met and swapped keys with Theo and Nadine who were headed the other way and took my truck back down to the Nigel Pass (Camp Parker) trailhead. After a long day and a nice evening in Maligne Pass, I got up the next day and went first through to Jonas Cutoff campground for the next night. The next day over jonas shoulder, through jonas pass and up to a random camp at the foot of one of the glaciers above Jonas Pass. The next day I went from Jonas Pass to Four Point, over Nigel Pass and out to the camp Parker Trailhead, picking up my truck and heading home.


























































































































































































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